Harald Geyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [...]
> should reply to the arguments and ignore the insulting parts. Of course
> it is a good idea, to give feedback if a message was perceived as 
> insultung, but this is probably better done in private.

I think that some feedback should be in public, in order to
show to lurkers what is disliked, but you need to be careful
about it, so it would be best done by a respected moderator.
Maybe keep the full detail and other complaints in private.

> Perhaps people just don't agree that the current situation is worse than
> a list police...

I think we have a list "police" of sorts, keeping root, admin,
master, list and mail off of the lists and generally watching
that they run smoothly. That seems fair to me.  Would we like
them to act more and how? I suspect that will come up in the
DPL elections again. Watch -vote for details.

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