> Matthew Vernon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 > > 
 > >  > Care should be taken to choose maintainers that recieve their fax on
 > >  > the computer, so it can be used directly without another quality loss
 > >  > by scanning.
 > > 
 > > This means that people without FAX machines can't be application
 > > managers, then?
 > Why? no. It just means that some application managers need to have a
 > fax capable modem for the few cases where no scanner is available. And
 > if that fails theres allways mail.

Current infrastructure is that one AM takes one applicant. This whole
argument is rather red and herring-like though. As I have said (on
several occasions), requiring ID doesn't gain us anything, is
unnecessary, and some applicants may quite rightly object to it, so we
should remove this requirement.
 > <personal opinion>
 > I just think its a good thing for debian to know the realname of each
 > maintainer.
 > </personal opinion>

But we do anyway - when a key is signed, the signing developer sees
some ID that shows that the person has the name that they give on
their key.

Rapun.sel - outermost outpost of the Pick Empire

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