On Sun, Aug 06, 2000 at 09:41:39AM +0200, "Jürgen A. Erhard" wrote:
> Name just *one* task in Debian that requires a maintainer to use a
> scanner.  Just one.  Apart from joining, that is.

Maintaining sane?  Okay, maybe not strictly necessary, but it probably
helps a whole *hell* of a lot.  :)

But I agree with your point that getting digital scans is not always so
easy, especially for people who live in places where there isn't a Kinko's
every few feet.  (Heck, Kinko's stands a 90% of screwing it up anyway.)

G. Branden Robinson             |         Yesterday upon the stair,
Debian GNU/Linux                |         I met a man who wasn't there.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |         He wasn't there again today,
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |         I think he's from the CIA.

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