On Tue, Aug 01, 2000 at 03:42:51PM +0100, Mark Brown wrote:
> It depends on what sort of stuff you do. Unless you actually want to
> scan in images there's no reason to have a scanner. Computers, net
> connections - these things we can expect people to have access to.
> Scanners just aren't so generally useful and it's entirely reasonable to
> expect that someone doesn't own one and doesn't know anyone that does.
This point comes up over and over, and every time someone has to point
out that alternative methods of getting the photograph digitized are
available. Whenever this issue comes up with one of my applicants, I
offer to accept hardcopy by snail-mail and scan it on my scanner. A
photocopy of a passport mailed to me should be no problem at all.
Nobody has taken me up on this offer, which suggests to me two
1. Scanners are not that hard to come by.
2. The photograph requirement is not the problem, assuming there even is
a problem to begin with.
Neither of those possibilities suggest that anything will be gained by
removing this requirement.
If you're an Application Manager and your applicant requires access to a
scanner, contact me by email and I'll happily offer my scanning
services. The only requirement: the applicant assumes responsibility
for loss and delay -- so send photocopies, not originals -- and I won't
send the hardcopy back unless the applicant encloses payment that I can
use for postage.
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