No,it's not that...

Em sex., 29 de nov. de 2024 13:18, Linux User #330250 <> escreveu:

> Hey, Leo, what is your problem?
> On 29th November 2024, 16:12, Leo Historias wrote:
> > ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> > De: Leo Historias <>
> > Date: qui., 28 de nov. de 2024 16:21
> > Subject: Re: Firefox 52esr on PPC32 is outdated
> > To: John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>
> > Cc: debian-powerpc <>
> >
> >
> > Thanks for the update.
> >
> > Still,I wanna hear if there's any progress on Firefox PPC32
> > port,specifically the Node.js port for 32 bit PowerPC.That dependency of
> > Firefox has been ported to i386/32 bits,and this made Firefox work.
> > However,that's not currently ported to PPC32,right?
> >
> Specifically after your wrote this:
> On 17th September 2024, 16:35, Leo Historias wrote:
>  > Ah, I see. So you guys won't port the dependencies right now due to
>  > manpower. And you explained it well. So that's why you guys won't bring
>  > Firefox 115esr to powerpc yet until you bring node.js,which became a
>  > requirement 1 year ago.
>  >
>  >
>  > And thanks for clarifying I'm not too young,i will contribute later.
> Is it your desire to add your e-mail address to a spam filter? Because
> you're right on target for that to happen...
> @Adrian and all the others still working on PPC32 and PPC64: BIG BIG
> thanks! Your work is very hard for a very few still using this
> architecture, so thank you so much!
> I myself have stopped running my PowerMacs due to time constraints, but
> they're waiting for me, probably for my retirement. The problem is that
> by then most likely no current Linux will exist anymore.
> I just read that CHRP will be removed from the Linux kernel with one of
> the next releases. The next release is 6.13, so maybe this one?
> "No Apple machines should be affected." Great, and hopefully so,
> although I remember that some CHRP stuff was loaded by the Linux kernel
> on my PowerMac back in the day.
> About Firefox I can only say that I feel the same thing as you describe,
> Adrian, when you say that the current version isn't really usable on a
> single-core system such as a G4. Even on a Dual-G4 or a Dual-G5,
> TenFourFox for Mac OS X was very VERY slow... The latest versions of
> Firefox are way too bloated for such hardware, so maybe we need to
> realize that keeping a completely current userland on PPC32/64-based
> Linux is no longer possible. A lot of projects have moved on and even
> when the code compiles, it clearly isn't meant to run on such old
> machines. This does include some older Pentiums and Core Duos I also
> still lave laying around in my basement.
> Which brings me to my final question: what could be viable replacement
> applications for using an old 32-bit machine on the Internet?
> What's a lightweight alternative for:
> 1) Gnome or KDE
> 2) Thunderbird
> 3) Firefox
> 4) LibreOffice
> 5) GIMP
> and so on... Because almost all of those projects are "no fun" on two
> decade old systems and older.
> And: maybe a specific version of Debian Linux is necessary for "legacy
> systems" rather than trying to keep it all current for everybody. Maybe
> a PPC64 system needs other software than a PPC32 system. And as well for
> i386 and so on.
> Just my 2ยข.
> And THANK YOU Adrian and all others, who still work on and contribute to
> PPC32 and PPC64!
> Apologies for this long posting,
> and representing Leo without his knowledge and consent, for Leo and what
> he wrote, because this clearly isn't the right way to talk to hard
> working developers and maintainers. I hope you accept it from me instead.
> Linux User #330250

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