Hi #330250 _:)
About Firefox I can only say that I feel the same thing as you describe, Adrian, when you say that the current version isn't really usable on a single-core system such as a G4. Even on a Dual-G4 or a Dual-G5, TenFourFox for Mac OS X was very VERY slow... The latest versions of Firefox are way too bloated for such hardware, so maybe we need to realize that keeping a completely current userland on PPC32/64-based Linux is no longer possible. A lot of projects have moved on and even when the code compiles, it clearly isn't meant to run on such old machines. This does include some older Pentiums and Core Duos I also still lave laying around in my basement.
TenFourFox was is somehwat usable actually, of course not general browsing anymore, but specific friendly sites...
What's a lightweight alternative for:
Lightweight of course means removing features....
1) Gnome or KDE
XFCE or Windowmaker + GNUstep
2) Thunderbird
3) Firefox
An issue... ArcticFox, netsurf, midori...
4) LibreOffice
No real alternatives :(
GIMP luckily works on G4 and G5... otherwise you need several programs. Image Magick, PRICE, xv, etc.