What? You didn't finish due to lack of "manpower"? And we need cross
transpile? Okay, i could do it for you if only i had the skills necessary
and I'm not too young (but being too young isn't neccesary for the reason
not to do it,right? I'm 17,almost turning 18 next year!)
Any alternatives in case firefox 52esr doesn't get updated to 115esr?
Especially for tls 1.3 support,since some websites require it. 52esr's tls
1.3 support  is only disabled by default,as far as i know.

Em dom., 15 de set. de 2024 13:09, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <
glaub...@physik.fu-berlin.de> escreveu:

> On Sun, 2024-09-15 at 13:04 -0300, Leo Historias wrote:
> > Thanks for your explanation,but  why Node.JS?
> Because Firefox upstream decided they want to transpile Javascript files
> during
> the build process instead of the development process.
> > Why don't we have it on ppc32?
> Because it's not been fully ported to 32-bit PowerPC. I started working on
> it and
> some others did, but it was never finished. As I said before, all these
> things
> require a lot of human resources, i.e manpower.
> > One alternative is to build either Firefox using nodejsc
> I have no idea what NodeJSC is. As I said, one could cross-transpile the
> JavaScript
> files for 32-bit PowerPC and other architectures without NodeJS support.
> But someone has to do the actual work and I cannot clone myself.
> > or use a version of Firefox that requires rust but not Node.JS
> We're using the Firefox version that is part of Debian. Maintaining a
> custom version
> is extremely time-consuming.
> Adrian
> --
>  .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
> : :' :  Debian Developer
> `. `'   Physicist
>   `-    GPG: 62FF 8A75 84E0 2956 9546  0006 7426 3B37 F5B5 F913

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