Firefox has been broken for some years. That’s not really a matter of opinion 
:) :) 

Of course it will be great if someday it were fixed.

Epiphany is OK for simple things like viewing the gnome help files, but you 
will likely find as I did it can’t handle most current web sites you may try. 

Just pointing out we went around all this before, recently, and the only really 
functional browser anyone found at present was SeaLion. I was glad to have it 
suggested, and have been using it since then with good but not complete 
success. So I thought I would share that with you.

But feel free not to use it ;) :)


> On Sep 28, 2024, at 04:25, Jeffrey Walton <> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 28, 2024 at 6:05 AM John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
> <> wrote:
>> Hello João,
>>> On Sat, 2024-09-28 at 10:36 +0100, João wrote:
>>> SeaLion is definitely worth considering, but it is not part of the 
>>> distribution,
>>> and it would be desirable if Debian PPC (we are talking about big endian 
>>> PPC,
>>> and I'm using PPC64 myself) would have a modern featurefull browser 
>>> available.
>>> Of course everyone (I should say most people ;)) would want Firefox, but 
>>> from
>>> the threads you quote below I was under the impressions that there was 
>>> little
>>> hope to get it working, but from Adrian's email on this thread I get the
>>> impression that it is still worth pursuing?
>> Oracle ships a current version of Firefox on Solaris SPARC which is a 
>> big-endian
>> target and they have published all of their patches in their Github 
>> repository
>> for the Solaris userland [1].
>> Thus, someone that is interested in Firefox on big-endian PowerPC should sit 
>> down
>> and take the time to try building a Debian Firefox package with the Oracle 
>> patches
>> applied.
> This patch appears to be very relevant:
> <>.
> It provides the big- and little-endian dance.
>>> Would packaging SeaLion in Debian be a worthwhile alternative goal?
>> A web browser is a huge potential security thread so packaging and 
>> maintaining it
>> requires a lot of patience and diligence. For that very reason, the Debian 
>> FTP
>> team will most likely reject a SeaLion package if it's submitted unless 
>> there is
>> a dedicated maintainer behind it.
>>> [1] 
> Jeff

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