
There are lots of browsers. I tried to classify them by engine. Don't hesitate to notify errors or missing. Browsers based on Chromium are interesting because they integrate WebXR and can work with virtual reality .

Browsers based on Mozilla Gecko engine :
 - Firefox
- GNU IceCat : https://icecatbrowser.org. A free version of Firefox.
 - Floorp, fork of Firefox ESR : https://github.com/Floorp-Projects/Floorp.
 - FireDragon, fork of Floorp : https://github.com/dr460nf1r3/firedragon-browser.  - Ghostery, fork of Firefox : https://github.com/ghostery/user-agent-desktop.  - Helix, fork of PulseBrowser : https://github.com/pulse-browser/experiment.
 - LibreWolf, fork of Firefox : https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io.
 - Mypal, fork of Firefox : https://mypal-browser.org. Works well with Windows XP.
 - Mercury, fork of Firefox : https://github.com/Alex313031/Mercury.
 - Waterfox, fork of Firefox : https://github.com/BrowserWorks/Waterfox. One can add XUL extensions.

Goanna engine (https://www.palemoon.org/tech/goanna.shtml), fork of Gecko (Firefox 52 ESR), one can add XUL extensions :
 - Basilisk : https://basilisk-browser.org.
 - Pale Moon : https://palemoon.org.
 - Artic Fox, fork of Pale Moon version 27.9.4 : https://github.com/rmottola/Arctic-Fox. Works well with Windows XP (excepted with https://www.france24.com) and rendering of https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=eoY1Mc70uTo is worse than Mypal rendering.
 - SeaLion : https://github.com/wicknix/SeaLion.

Apple WebKit engine (https://webkit.org) :
 - GNOME Web (new name of Epiphany) : https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Web.
 - Luakit : https://github.com/luakit/luakit.
 - surf : https://surf.suckless.org.
 - Nyxt : https://github.com/atlas-engineer/nyxt. Compatible with WebEngine and Blink (experimental) engines.  - Safe Exam Browser : https://safeexambrowser.org. Windows version uses Blink engine. To do a kiosk.

Google Blink engine (https://chromium.org/blink/), fork of WebKit :
 - Chromium : https://github.com/chromium/chromium. Used by Brave, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge.  - ungoogled-chromium, based on Chromium : https://github.com/ungoogled-software/ungoogled-chromium
 - Iridium, based on Chromium : https://github.com/iridium-browser.
 - Thorium, based on Chromium : https://github.com/Alex313031/Thorium.

WebEngine engine (https://wiki.qt.io/QtWebEngine), a Qt version of Chromium :
 - Dooble : https://github.com/textbrowser/dooble.
 - Falkon (new name of QupZilla) : https://falkon.org.
 - Liri : https://github.com/lirios/browser.
 - Otter Browser : https://github.com/OtterBrowser/otter-browser.
 - qutebrowser : https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser.

LibWeb engine (https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/tree/master/Userland/Libraries/LibWeb) :
 - Ladybird : https://github.com/LadybirdBrowser/ladybird.

Servo engine : https://servo.org.

? engine :
 - Kristall : https://github.com/ikskuh/kristall.
 - Netsurf : https://www.netsurf-browser.org.
 - litehtml : https://github.com/litehtml/litehtml.

Le 28/09/2024 à 11:36, João a écrit :
Hello Ken,

On Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 03:29:57PM -0700, Ken Cunningham wrote:
We had previously decided that the best browser available for debian PPC was
Surely the best browser is a matter of personal choice ;)
SeaLion (https://github.com/wicknix/SeaLion) is the best choice for PowerPC.

It works quite well for me, certainly better than anything else I have ever 
SeaLion is definitely worth considering, but it is not part of the distribution,
and it would be desirable if Debian PPC (we are talking about big endian PPC,
and I'm using PPC64 myself) would have a modern featurefull browser available.

Of course everyone (I should say most people ;)) would want Firefox, but from
the threads you quote below I was under the impressions that there was little
hope to get it working, but from Adrian's email on this thread I get the
impression that it is still worth pursuing?

Would packaging SeaLion in Debian be a worthwhile alternative goal?
see the threads on this here:


and here:


I don't think anything significant has changed since then.
Thank you for linking back to those threads which are informative and relevant.
I don't remember seeing there Epiphany mentioned, and I'm interested in knowing
if people have it working. It is not on par with Firefox in terms of features,
but it is a fine browser, supported, and in Debian.

Best regards,

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