On Sun, 2024-09-15 at 13:04 -0300, Leo Historias wrote:
> Thanks for your explanation,but  why Node.JS?

Because Firefox upstream decided they want to transpile Javascript files during
the build process instead of the development process.

> Why don't we have it on ppc32?

Because it's not been fully ported to 32-bit PowerPC. I started working on it 
some others did, but it was never finished. As I said before, all these things
require a lot of human resources, i.e manpower.

> One alternative is to build either Firefox using nodejsc

I have no idea what NodeJSC is. As I said, one could cross-transpile the 
files for 32-bit PowerPC and other architectures without NodeJS support.

But someone has to do the actual work and I cannot clone myself.

> or use a version of Firefox that requires rust but not Node.JS

We're using the Firefox version that is part of Debian. Maintaining a custom 
is extremely time-consuming.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer
`. `'   Physicist
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