On 4/23/20 10:15 AM, user...@yahoo.com wrote:
> On 4/21/20 9:10 AM, user...@yahoo.com wrote:
>> ...
>>>> DEFAULT CATCH!, code=fffffff6 at %SRR0: ff80aac50 %SPR1: 000b030 method
>>>> <draw-rectangle> not found; ihandle=ff9d2740 phandle=ff86a4c8
>> ...
> To me, the "draw-rectangle" message suggests that Open Firmware on the
> Lombard is too old for whatever Forth commands GRUB is trying to use.
> I haven't used GRUB in quite a while except on PCs. Doesn't GRUB draw a
> nice rectangle around the edge of the screen as part of its process to
> present the boot menu? If yes, then this could be the cause of the OF
> problem on the Lombard, if Lombard OF doesn't have a "draw-rectangle"
> command.
> Is there a way to run GRUB in "text-only" mode, or equivalent?
> ...
Open Firmware is 4.1.0f5 on the Pismo, compared to 1.0f1 on the Lombard.
So perhaps not surprising, the Debian SID CD boots on the Pismo. And
sure enough, it does draw a rectangle around the options (but's it's an
ASCII art rectangle, so I'm not sure it's important, but I think it
tried to open a graphical screen first). I posted the message above to
the Debian PPC list but I haven't seen any responses yet. I'll do more
checking today on whether Debian SID installs, and I'll post a message
to the Debian PPC list. But the NIC is detected and it appears that the
installation will succeed.