On 4/23/20 9:51 PM, user...@yahoo.com wrote:
> The Pismo boots without any problems from the 2020-04-19 Debian SID CD.
>  It has Open Firmware (OF) 4.1.0f5; the Lombard has OF 1.0f1.  I'm not
> sure what the minimum OF version is, but 1.0f1 appears to be too old, at
> least for this version of GRUB.

I agree, the OpenFirmware version is probably too old. But solving this
issue should probably discussed on the GRUB mailing list. Maybe someone
there has an idea.

> The installation proceeds normally, including detection of the NIC.

Good. Thanks for testing

> Of course, I'd still like to be able to install the latest Debian SID on
> the Lombard, even though I have it working now with Yaboot.
PS: It would have probably a good idea to have separate threads for
    the Pismo and Lombard for better readability of the threads.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaub...@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaub...@physik.fu-berlin.de
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