Alexander Wirt dixit:

>Could you please (technically) summarize what needs to be done from
>listmaster side? 

1. Remove whatever debian-ports@l.d.o is right now

2. Create a new debian-ports@l.d.o mailing list which
   works just like the other regular lists

3. Announce the new debian-ports@l.d.o so that people
   can subscribe to it; document that there is no longer
   an address to reach *all* ports but that people should
   eMail the individual ports’ lists (and cross-post if
   needed, but only to the amount needed), and that the
   new debian-ports@l.d.o instead is a mailing list for
   discussion about
   a) infrastructure
   b) porting Debian in general
   c) questions related to setting up a Debian port,
      including wanna-build, buildd, etc.

>> Why don't you use JavaScript? I also don't like enabling JavaScript in
> Because I use lynx as browser.
        -- Octavio Alvarez, me and ⡍⠁⠗⠊⠕ (Mario Lang) on debian-devel

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