On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 05:49:22PM +0200, Michael Schmitz wrote:
> > > Or so goes the theory :-) That's what I did with 2.6.8, sure. 2.6.7 I
> > > cannot build to save my life (unknown opcode dssall; that seems to ring a
> > > bell and I'll search the archives). The 'ignore right mouse button
> >
> > Sure, it is the binutils bug. Later version of 2.6.7 have this fixed,
> kernel-source-2.6.7-4 doesn't, apparently. What did you use to build the
> 2.6.7-powerpc installer image?
> > > events from crazy trackpad' patch isn't in the default kernel, and without
> > > it the system is messed up to the point it gets useless.
> >
> > So, please help us in getting a kernel as good as possible, and submit those
> > patches for inclusion. Not sure they will be accepted though, as i (and more
> > importantly, Christoph) have not looked at it yet.
> Please - it's a one-line patch that can definitely be applied since there
> wasn't ever any Apple with more than one mouse button, much less with a
> trackpad sporting multiple buttons. Did I forget to mention there wasn't
> any use of ADB outside of Apple hardware?

What about people using >1 -button external mouses, like USB ones and such ? I
suppose these would make use of the usbhid or whatever ? Are there external
ADB mouses with more than one button ? 


Sven Luther

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