> > kernel-source-2.6.7-4 doesn't, apparently. > > The patch is part of revision 2.6.7-5 of kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.7 .
Thanks; I found the relevant piece on linuxppc-dev and it applied with much success. > > What did you use to build the 2.6.7-powerpc installer image? > > The installer uses the official kernels, which naturally were built > from kernel-source with kernel-patch-powerpc applied. Silly me - thinking kernel-patch-powerpc was obsolete for 2.6. I'll have a look at it. Not that it seems necessary - once the aflags patch has been applied the kernel compiles and runs fine. Can I convince you to put the crazy trackpad patch in kernel-patch-powerpc for 2.6.x, then? Michael