On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 05:11:16PM +0200, Michael Schmitz wrote:
> > > Like it or not: tailoring your kernel for size is a must at this state of
> > > affairs. If you don't offer full custom partitioning in the sarge
> > > installer anymore, get the default partition sizes right at least.
> >
> > Yeah, i understand. Still you could use the config, builtin what you need, 
> > and
> > remove the uneeded modules, could you not ?
> Or so goes the theory :-) That's what I did with 2.6.8, sure. 2.6.7 I
> cannot build to save my life (unknown opcode dssall; that seems to ring a
> bell and I'll search the archives). The 'ignore right mouse button

Sure, it is the binutils bug. Later version of 2.6.7 have this fixed,
naturally, and this is no problem with 2.6.8.

> events from crazy trackpad' patch isn't in the default kernel, and without
> it the system is messed up to the point it gets useless.

So, please help us in getting a kernel as good as possible, and submit those
patches for inclusion. Not sure they will be accepted though, as i (and more
importantly, Christoph) have not looked at it yet.

> 2.6.8 and unstable xfree86 apparently hates the Radeon 9600 - the system
> freezes quite often when panning horizontally in the browser window. Not
> to mention screen flicker in the console (though 2.6.7 also had that).

does disabling the dri solve the issue ? I ask because i had another case
where apparently it tried to launch the dri/drm on such a card, which
naturally doesn't work.


Sven Luther

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