> > possible as modules.  The idea was to build only offb into the kernel,
> > and load the accelerated framebuffers as modules if desired.
> > Unfortunately, this didn't work out for radeonfb, aty128fb and atyfb,
> > and I am still testing rivafb but strongly suspect it is not going to
> > work as a module either.
> Yes, unfortunately, IDE and fbdev's arent" good module citizens at this
> point. This will get better over time (read 2.7 :)

Only for powerpc, or in general?

Maybe you need at least one full featured fbdev built in, and offb just
doesn't qualify (no way to give up virtual consoles)?

I´m glad to hear something is being done about IDE though. I'm really
missing the hotplug features of the mediabay drives on other machines.
Speaking of IDE: 2.6 still has a bug WRT mediabay and defvs on device
removal - even with no media inserted, the mediabay remove triggers a
devfs device remove for a nonexisting device. Panic().


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