On Saturday 13 September 2003 15:59, Toni Cerdà wrote:
> I have tried that kernel with my powerbook G4 12'' with a geforce, it has
> compiled well but doesn't boot, I just get a screen with blue vertical
> lines, I think there is a problem with the new nvidia framebuffer support.

I've finally got my powerbook 12'' rev 3.3 working with the new kernel 
2.6.0-test5, it has been really hard because the section "Graphics Support" 
doesn't want the same options as kernels 2.4.X.

Everything is working, the usb mouse, the sound with the alsa drivers, etc...

but, an ybin -v breaks the yaboot...

Toni Cerdà Belmonte
Linux Registered User: 274198
Debian GNU/Linux (2.6.0-test5)

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