Em Seg, 2003-08-18 às 18:11, Michel Dänzer escreveu:
> Or maybe the macintosh keymap would have worked as you want without
> altwin? :)

        Theoretically possible, but I seem to remember that when I didn't had
altwin set I got that broken mixed Alt and Meta behaviour on the
Alt/Option key, with the logo key inoperant.

        Again, that will have to wait until I set a :2 to experiment without
having to restart my current sessions... or until my system freezes

        BTW, is there a way of initiating a third server without restarting the
already existing ones?

> The logs don't lie

        I hope that's true in X.  I wouldn't hold it as absolute truth, from
the experience I have with other systems.

> the keyboard configuration was always identical on
> server startup (unless the logs contained a relevant difference you
> didn't post), the difference was likely caused by a client.

        OK, which clients could be those, and how to investigate the

        And why they would be OK now, since the only thing I am conscient of
having changed was the given lines in XF86Config-4?

> I'm still not convinced there's an X bug. I haven't seen an explanation
> for the difference in behaviour between the displays except the one
> above.

        OK, I will hold up until you or someone else show me how to investigate

> Let's hope it will get us anything more than a wiki. ;)


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