Andreas Wüst wrote:

Attention: I am not sure if this also holds for machines using gdm, xdm,
etc. I *think* I had read that there would be some mechanism provided by
these session managers to handle .Xmodmap files.

I just ask myself why the Mode_switch key is not working out of the box
(well, of course I know why, because it is not mapped to any key, but
why is this so)??

Here's a question for you. I have a (really cheap) pc keyboard (Darfon/BenQ 6511-X) which has three special keys (www, e-mail and sleep). The system is currently configured as having a pc104 us keyboard. Unfortunately, I haven't found anywhere on the net that deals with configuring one of these for Linux, even the manufacturer just calls it a Win2000 keyboard that doesn't need a driver. :(

The extra keys are keycodes 178, 236 and 223 (according to xve).

Now, what exactly do I need to add (and where) to have the first start mozilla, the second start mozilla-mail and the third immediately invoke my monitor power saver setting?

System: Amigaone [EMAIL PROTECTED] MHz
        KDE 3.1.3,
        kernel 2.4.21-rc1-ben0

I know, it would probably be much easier to just go get one of the keyboards that actually has settings within XFree86 and KDE, but where's the challenge in that? <G>

 David Oakes        |     /// Member: | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Eastern Passage NS | \\\///  Team    |
 Canada             |  \XX/   AMIGA   | ICQ #14502477

Christmas - a time for exchanging a lot of things you can`t afford for a lot of things you don`t want.

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