Hi Thanks to a stupidity of mine I had to reinstall on my TiBook I. Unfortunately, I hadn't had the chance to backup my config files before, so I lost everything. Since it's a long time ago, I forgot how I configured my keyboard for use with the x window system, i.e. to be able to reach the at, hash, braces etc.
ATM, I can reach all the keys reachable by shift, but none of the alt's (neither left nor right) leads me to the curly brackets etc. I would be very thankful if someone could post his XF86Config-4 regarding swiss german keyboards, and hint about other modifications. If it is of some importance, I am running the x stuff from sid (at least partially). PS: What harm is done to the system by (accidentally) running the x server from root (i.e. fully fledged gnome etc.)?? -- Best wishes, Andi