Hi Frank

Ok, I am finally back! And thanks again for your answer!

On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 09:49, Frank Murphy wrote:
> > > Option  "XkbSymbols"       "de_CH+group(switch)"
> >
> > Ahh, well, I did (and YES, I did deactivate my .Xmodmap first), but,
> > uhhm, this has to be the so called make-fun-at-your-co-workers-option,
> > no? ;)
> >
> > But serious, the effect was quite interesting. No keys except the number
> > keys were working, not even the cursor keys, so I couldn't reach the
> > shell history to invoke xmodmap. And, well, which key would have been
> > supposed to be the Mode_switch? At least, alt didn't work either, I
> > still could reach only the number keys (and only these)..
> Erm, sorry. It's supposed to be:
> Option  "XkbSymbols"       "macintosh/us+macintosh/de_CH+group(switch)"
> Then to get the Mode_switch (at least on my US iBook) you have to get AltGr 
> by 
> pressing fn+<alt/option>. For me the right-hand alt key acts exactly the same 
> as the left, so I have to press fn too. Check this using xev.

Well, it kind of worked. I could reach the third group via fn+alt (the
left one, I don't remember the right one), but, hmm, not all symbols
worked. For example, I could get [ (fn+alt+5), but I couldn't get ]
(fn+alt+6). { and } was impossible to reach too.

Strange enough, doing an xmodmap -pke revealed that the keys were mapped
to the ], {, }, etc. symbols as normal!! But they couldn't be produced!

> Look in the file /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/group for other switch options (it's 
> easy to set the <Apple-logo/command> key to be AltGr, too.
> > > I don't know if there are differences for a Swiss keyboard.
> >
> > Dunno, but I guess not?! How to test?
> xev will tell you which X keycode and keysym is being sent for a keypress, 
> but 
> you'll need access to an Swiss external Apple keyboard to see the differences 
> between them.

Ok, I guess I am of no help then for this particular issue.

Best wishes,

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