On Sun, 2003-07-27 at 20:37, Soeren Sonnenburg wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-07-27 at 00:21, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> [...]
> > > (EE) RADEON(0): Cannot read V_BIOS (5)
> > > Symbol RADEONResetVideo from module
> > > /usr/X11R6/lib/modules-dri-trunk/drivers/radeon_drv.o is unresolved!
> > 
> > This was my fuckup, fixed in 2003.07.25-2.
> True, does not crash anymore... but does also now only show a white
> screen with some black dots...

Do you mean the startup root weave or something else? On the internal
panel or the external display?

> I am not posting this to the list due to the maybe to big attachments...
> feel free to CC the list with your answer.
> This is a powerbook 15" 1GHz .... the log is just a startup and kill of
> X :8.
> I was able to get the old driver open up a a screen in 
> clonemode 1280x1024 that displays 1280x1024 on the external vga... (but
> one has to scroll then internally :/)

Well, there's no way around scrolling with clone mode unless both
displays support the same resolution.

Does this still work with the new driver if you leave out the

        Modes   "1280x854"

from the Display subsection, possibly replacing it with

        Virtual 1280 854


> Is it actually possible to have say :0.1 running at 1280x1024 on the
> external vga but on the internal DFP :0.0 the needed 1280x854  ?

Yes, that should be possible with a 'true' multihead configuration
involving two Device and Screen sections.

Earthling Michel Dänzer   \  Debian (powerpc), XFree86 and DRI developer
Software libre enthusiast  \     http://svcs.affero.net/rm.php?r=daenzer

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