Le Vendredi 25 Juillet 2003 20:22, Josef Spillner a écrit : > There are several suggestions in the list archives. > One new way of doing it might be to try the Knoppix/PPC at: > http://debian.tu-bs.de/knoppix/powerPC/
He said xserver=fbdev fb:lcd:0,crt:1 i think xserver=fbdev is alraydy a knoppix syntax. The KnoppixPPC from http://debian.tu-bs.de/knoppix/powerPC/ is not really usable for the moment, the cloop module is not present and the X modelines are from x86 architecture. It may run on some machine maybe. There is a better Knoppix PPC here: http://www.bouissou.net/knoppix-mib/doc-html/Knoppix-Mib.html (with XF4.3, OOo1.0.3, Kde3.1.1, mol...) but it not works on all Mac models. Regards -- Fleny68