On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 19:53, Vincent wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using a G3 lombard an woody 3.0r0 
> Modem works fine with kernel  vmlinux-2.2.20-pmac
> But with kernel vmlinux-2.4.18-newpmac modem can not dialout
> It make ATZ but nothing else

When you manually use the modem (in minicom for example),
does it work ?

What typically happens is that the modem takes about 2 seconds
to power up, and you get nothing during this time (output is
even blocked in the driver). The old driver used to block the
open() call when powering up the modem. This isn't quite what
should be done, so newer drivers will just block output, however,
some dialers seem to timeout in that case...


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