On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 18:07:01 -0800
Johannes Muelmenstaedt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When I gave my ibook an airport card, it couldn't even do icmp.
> The orinoco driver complained about lots of unknown information
> frames and the like.  It took me a while to figure out why ---
> and the reason is that my airport card (bought in December 2002)
> came with firmware version 4.16.  
> Yesterday I booted up the machine in OS X, which updated the
> firmware to version 8.70.  Now the airport card works like a
> charm.  So I agree with the statement "New firmware good."
I agree, my airport card wouldn't do anything sensible until I installed
OS X (dualboot) and did an update of the Airport. Now it works great!

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