On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 10:41:31AM +0100, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-02-19 at 04:41, Serge Rey wrote:
> > i've been trying to get the airport card on my g4 tibook to work with a
> > linksys wap11. this tibook dual boots with OS X and the card works fine
> > with that wap under OS X.
> > 
> > on debian (sid) the connection is made between the card and wap and i'm
> > able to ssh/scp/ping etc, but i can't browse with either galeon or lynx.
> Did you ask the driver maintainer ? (David Gibson). He might have
> an updated driver, the version on the tree is quite old.

i haven't as of yet, but thanks for the lead.

the issue is more subtle than i realized last night. in galeon directly
entering www.google.com in the url bar results in a long pause and then
nothing. but, if i enter some phrases to search in the url bar then the
google search results page comes up with links that i'm able to get to.

so at this point the situation is that a majority of the pages load fine
under galeon, but for a few (google, slashdot) there is no joy, or only
partial joy.

Serge Rey       http://typhoon.sdsu.edu/rey.html
A random variable is the soul of an observation... An observation is
the birth of a random variable.                 - D.W. Watts

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