On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, KingOfShadow wrote: > On my new G4 Quicksilver 867x2 I cannot install woddy because it cannot > find a my hard disk. Probably i think ithe problem si in the bus cose > the it has only ATA/66 and ATA/100 ( the disk is a ATA/100). > What can I do.
either switch the disk on the ATA66 bus, and follow the xavier's instruction for the yaboot config either compile a new benh kernel, and use this one to install woody. on an hfs patition of your disk, copy the new 'home made' kernel, and from the woody CD copy also yaboot, yaboot.conf, ramdisk.tgz edit yaboot.conf to feet your need, (eg use the new kernel, and so on) boot under OF, and point it to yaboot copied on the disk. Eric -- Je tenais a remercier Wanadoo de l'hommage rendu ce jour au roi Hussein récemment disparu. En effet ma connexion est elle aussi "cliniquement morte" avec un débit de 0,2 Ko par seconde en pointe. -+- PV in: Guide du Neuneu d'Usenet - Le Roi est mort, vive le Roi -+-