
My white hat penguin (iBook2) has the brightness/loudness/eject keys
funtioning using pbuttonsd, but still, everytime I press them the kernel
leaves a dmesg entry such as:

keyboard.c: cat't emulate rawcode for keycode XXX

I would like to make those lines disappear, since they polute the dmesg
output, and under the console I have to ctrl-l everytime I press such

Is there any hack/patch/option to avoid those lines?

I recall there was something to modify in the kernel config, but I
already did long time ago without success.



Jesus Climent | Unix SysAdm | Helsinki, Finland | pumuki.hispalinux.es
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 Registered Linux user #66350 proudly using Debian 3.0 & Linux 2.4.20

There's nothing that can't be done.
                --McManus (The usual suspects)

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