On Monday 2 December 2002 21:11, KingOfShadow wrote: > On my new G4 Quicksilver 867x2 I cannot install woddy because it cannot > find a my hard disk. Probably i think ithe problem si in the bus cose > the it has only ATA/66 and ATA/100 ( the disk is a ATA/100). > What can I do. I had the same problem, I "just" switch my disk to the ATA/66 controller. Then you need be careful when you configure your yaboot.conf file
You should have something like : boot=/dev/hda2 ofboot=ultra2:2 device=ultra2: partition=4 root=/dev/hda4 timeout=100 install=/usr/lib/yaboot/yaboot magicboot=/usr/lib/yaboot/ofboot image=/boot/vmlinux-2.4.20-rc3-ben0 label=linux read-only image=/boot/vmlinux-2.4.20-rc1-ben0 label=linuxold1 read-only image=/boot/vmlinux-2.4.20-pre11-ben0 label=linuxold read-only append="video=ofonly" image=/boot/vmlinux-2.4.18-newpmac label=old read-only macosx=ultra2:8