Hi all; Yesterday I decided to treat myself to a tibook after suffering an old 800x600 laptop for far too long.
I've made my way through a debian woody netinst install and upgraded to unstable, however Im left with a number of issues. Im using a 2.4.18 kernel from here [1] . It seems to support most stuff and though pcmcia ( yenta ) appears to come up, orinoco_cs barfs with a 'get_next_truple' error when I insert my wavelan card. Can anyone recommend a better kernel ( src is fine ) or /defualt/pcmcia | config.opts additions that should help this. X ( from debian unstable ) runs at 1024x768 using the fbdev driver on top of the radeonfb framebuffer. However X is shifted about an inch to the left of the display , can any recommend some modeline settings to fix this. Also what is the status of X running with the radeon driver on a tibook? When I switch the driver to 'radeon' in my XF86Config I get a no devices found error on start up. Is it worth me building X 4.2 / CVS from source and using that ? Any help greatly appreciated. Many thanks, Matthew Allum < http://handhelds.org/~mallum/ > [1] http://debian.jones.dk/debian/local/auryn/kernels/images/tibook/