On Don, 2002-03-21 at 11:34, mallum wrote: 
> Im using a 2.4.18 kernel from here [1] . It seems to support most
> stuff and though pcmcia ( yenta ) appears to come up, orinoco_cs barfs
> with a 'get_next_truple' error when I insert my wavelan card. 
> Can anyone recommend a better kernel ( src is fine ) or
> /defualt/pcmcia | config.opts additions that should help this. 

All I can say about this is that Airport works fine. :)

> X ( from debian unstable ) runs at 1024x768 using the fbdev driver on
> top of the radeonfb framebuffer. However X is shifted about an inch
> to the left of the display , can any recommend some modeline settings
> to fix this. 

I doubt there is, this sounds like a problem with radeonfb, I don't think
it handles any resolutions but the panel's native one yet.

> Also what is the status of X running with the radeon driver on a
> tibook? When I switch the driver to 'radeon' in my XF86Config I get a
> no devices found error on start up.

4.1.0 doesn't properly support the chip. It can be made to run by having
it treaten like another chip, but...

> Is it worth me building X 4.2 / CVS from source and using that ?

... that is certainly the cleaner and better solution.

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software enthusiast

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