On 11 Mar 2002, Michel [ISO-8859-1] Dänzer wrote:

> Or check out the CVS tree at
> :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/alsa

Will do :-)

> You're right that it doesn't have any byte-swapping code, but it marks
> the data as little endian, so apparently the OSS output plugin swaps the
> bytes (not the crossfade plugin though). Maybe your drive delivers big
> endian data?

I think it does.  I see some invalid requests in my logs:

        sr0: CDROM (ioctl) reports ILLEGAL REQUEST.

So it probably is asking for little, but the drive isn't supporting it.

> Anyway, xmms-cdread needs to be fixed to always convert the data to
> native byte order, if only for the EQ to work (not that we need the xmms
> EQ :).

That's what I was getting at.  Hence, I renew my request for a patch to
swab the audio data :-)  I could easily write this, but personal time
constraints say otherwise :-(  I just want something to get my
lack-of-entertainment butt through the week and also give me something to
do on the weekend :-)


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