On 9 Mar 2002, Michel Dänzer wrote:

> On Sam, 2002-03-09 at 23:24, Christopher C. Chimelis wrote:
> >
> > On 9 Mar 2002, Michel [ISO-8859-1] Dänzer wrote:
> >
> > > I doubt xmms-cdread is broken at all, it works here with the OSS output
> > > plugin but not with crossfade (it doesn't matter if crossfade uses the
> > > OSS plugin or its own OSS support). The xmms-cdread code also looks
> > > sane, though a quick look at xmms-crossfade didn't reveal any obvious
> > > mistakes either, but it's considerably more complex than xmms-cdread.
> >
> > I haven't tried it in a few weeks, but last time I did, I only got white
> > noise (LE audio needed to be byteswapped/swabbed).  Has this changed?
> As I said, white noise with crossfade, perfect sound with OSS directly.
> > If not, then xmms-cdread is certainly broken since the code is just not
> > there to do the swabbing.
> True, but when the EQ isn't used, the byte order shouldn't matter as
> long as it's correctly advertised, should it? The output plugin should
> swap bytes if necessary.

There was a buggy check once (in Marcelo's kernel directly after the PPC
merge) in dmasound_awacs.c, don't know if it is still there. The problem
was that pangea chipsets reported no revision number for Keylargo and the
kernel then wrongly reported that they could do hardware byteswap. It was
reported on this list and benh said he would fix it.


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