On Sun, Oct 28, 2001 at 04:06:34PM +0100, Michael Schmitz wrote:
> > > BTW: Out of interest: What is the history of the renaming of "fdisk" to
> > >      "ddisk" on powerpc?
> >
> > I've no idea.  I'd never heard of this, in fact.  I bet it stands for
> > DOS fDISK; it reads DOS partition tables and not Apple ones, and
> > mac-fdisk supplies the 'fdisk' binary.
> The fdisk binary provided by mac-fdisk is yet another DOS partition table
> fdisk (from the days when fdisk wasn't endian clean I believe). The Apple
> partition table editor has always been mac-fdisk.

huh? mac-fdisk doesn't ship the fdisk binary:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~$ dpkg -L mac-fdisk | grep fdisk

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~$ ls -l /sbin/fdisk
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            9 Mar 15  2000 /sbin/fdisk -> mac-fdisk

> I'd be happy to drop the DOS fdisk part from mac-fdisk BTW. util-linux
> providing a working fdisk seems the more logical way to solve this
> (though using the fdisk name might confuse the hell out of newbies that
> read some intel specific documentation). Any objections?

sure, its already that way ;-)

your postinst is whats creating that symlink, boot-floppies also does
it as part of base configuration iirc.

Ethan Benson

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