At 13:16 Uhr -0400 23.10.2001, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
(...) John, what kernel/machine do you have hwclock causing a hang? I'm not sure off the top of my head what the status is in 2.2, but 2.4 has a "proper" /dev/rtc driver. We should be using hwclock. Clock is an awful ADB-bit-bashing hack that needs to die.
may be we're talking about different problems ('cause of English is only my very second language ...): i'm running debian 2.4.8/testing on an upgraded 7500/G3/400 and have to press "F13" at boottime: System time was (...) Setting the System Clock using the Hardware Clock as reference... Real Time Clock Driver v1.10d (point of lack, skipping via "F13") Real Time set. System local Time is now (...) CET (... and continuing boot-procedure) ... since updating a week ago (or so ...). BTW.: first i thought of this boot-hanging could be a result of the less "human data-dase" by myself and so i did a complet clean install, but the problem = hanging at boot still remained. in an attack of vaxation i did a wild hack on every reachable key - till i noticed that booting suddenly was just going on ... ;-)) just my 0,02 ¤ ... & regards robert -- Was sieht man wirklich, und was erscheint einem nur so, als sähe man es? S. Lem, "Fiasko"