On  10 Oct, this message from Thomas Powell echoed through cyberspace:
> I think the 9500 is like my s900 in that it relies on a PCI card for video. I
> also think that the original poster said he was using an IMS TwinTurbo 4MB 
> card.
> I have success with my machine by setting the OF ouput-device to
> /bandit/IMS,tt128mb. You can use an 8MB card with /bandit/IMS,tt128mb8, but 
> the

Depending on which slot the card is in, that might have to be
/[EMAIL PROTECTED] or /[EMAIL PROTECTED] (os shorter, /pci1 or /pci2, which
are aliases for the former).

For more details, have a lok at Apple Technote 1061.



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
L-1710 Luxembourg              |
email   [EMAIL PROTECTED]            |
http://www.cpu.lu/~mlan        |                     Learn Always. "

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