Rogério Brito wrote:

Yo, try to keep unrelated questions in separate message threads so the archives 
useable, ya?

> P.S.: An unrelated question: I'm having some severe problems getting
> the pmac 9500 working with OF (I can't for the life of me make this
> thing send the output to the monitor).

works for me.  did you try

# nvsetenv output-device screen

this worked for me.

sometimes the OF, which is truely brain damaged on oldworld macs (alas, alack), 
has a
hard time initializing the video controller and video memory before it tries to 
it.  there have some patches posted on this list to try and address that 
problem; for
me the patch just *barely* makes the video readable, whereas without it 
sometimes the
video was readable, sometimes it wasn't.  I supposed good enough is good enough.

here is an output of my nvsetenv:

macfly:~# nvsetenv
little-endian?  false
real-mode?      false
auto-boot?      true
diag-switch?    false
fcode-debug?    false
oem-banner?     false
oem-logo?       false
use-nvramrc?    true
real-base       0xffffffff
real-size       0x100000
virt-base       0xffffffff
virt-size       0x100000
load-base       0x4000
pci-probe-list  0xffffffff
screen-#columns 0x64
screen-#rows    0x28
selftest-#megs  0x0
boot-device     /AAPL,ROM
diag-device     fd:diags
input-device    ttya
output-device   screen
nvramrc         : '& get-token drop ;
                : >& dup @ 6 << 6 >>a -4 and + ;
                : & na+ >& ;
                6ED '& execute

                0 value mi

                : mmr " map-range" mi if my-self $call-method else $call-parent 
then ;
                89B '& ' mmr BRpatch

                : mcm -1 to mi $call-method 0 to mi ;
                8CB '& 1E na+ ' mcm BLpatch

                : maa -1 to mi 1D swap ;
                8C9 '& 5 na+ ' maa BLpatch
                8C9 '& 134 + ' 1 BLpatch

                8CD '& 184 + dup 14 + >& BRpatch

                8C6 '& 7C + ' u< BLpatch

                0 value yn
                : y yn 0= if dup @ to yn then ;
                8CB '& ' y BRpatch
                ' y 28 + 8CB '& 8 + BRpatch
                : z yn ?dup if over ! 0 to yn then ;
                8CC '& ' z BRpatch
                ' z 2C + 8CC '& 8 + BRpatch

boot-command    boot

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