> > We'll have to test it on other PMU versions as well, though.
> Yes...

Which proves to be a problem - on my Lombard, the keyboard is type 1 not
4. Now I've used kernel 2.4.10 for testing, which version did you run?

> > We can do it the same way as the trackpad state save/restore. I'd
> Yes, but it shouldn't be used on anything but the Lombard PMU version
> and up, so we can ignore anything that has an external adb connector
> (I think, since the Lombard doesn't have one, and I'm pretty sure the
> Pismo doesn't)
> There is a difference with the trackpad save/restore though, at least
> on the Lombard, since it doesn't get reset on sleep/wake cycles, but
> only sometimes randomly while powered down.

The trackpad state used to be lost on sleep for me (prior to pmud 0.7 at
least). Our machines seem to be vastly different ...

> I guess what I'd want is something like /etc/default/fnset with
> and have an init script source this file on startup.

I'd place that in rc.local, or have a powerpc-utils init script handle all
of the defaults in one place (trackpad being another, screen backlight
level yet another). So the tool needs to go in powerpc-utils.

The usage message caused more confusion than help, and it seems incomplete
(option 'P' not documented?). There should be another way to detect the
keyboard (type 1 or type 4, what's the difference). Needs some more work.

> But from reading the thread on linuxppc-dev it sounded like some of
> the new ibooks (maybe the TiBook even) like to reset it on sleep/wake
> cycles.

Any ADB device state should be lost on sleep/wake unless the kernel driver
takes care of that (don't think it does).


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