Hi, I'm trying to upgrade the memory on a PowerBook G-3 2000 series(I believe that that means with firewire).
My problem is removing the case from the bottom in order to replace the 126MB that came with it. I have the PDF file from vikingcomponents.com; however, its diagram shows 3 screws going across the middle underside of the machine. I can only see 2. One on one side and the other on the other. Does this middle screw exit? Or, is it hidden under the Apple logo? Or, is there some other explanation. I have taken all of the screws off and there still seems to be something holding it down in that area that the PDF file suggests. If anyone has any suggestions or even the answer to my situation please let me know how to remove it. Thank you and any HELP will be greatly appreciated. >From Tucson-:)) Harold