On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 12:44:53AM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
> On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 12:43:40AM -0700, Mike Fedyk wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have a bunch of 7200 Macs that I want to turn into servers, and I'm having
> > trouble getting them to boot without the monitor.  I've tried it on a
> > 7300 and a beige g3, and they work fine without a monitor.
> > 
> > Are there any tricks that will let me do this?  Maybe a resistor or
> > something that will make MacOS _think_ there is a monitor there?
> yes, don't use bootx, use quik.  quik works fine on these machines.
> just setup a simple /etc/quik.conf with your image= line pointing at
> the REAL kernel in /boot (which is not a partition) and not a
> symlink. then run /sbin/quik and the following:
> nvsetenv boot-device "$(ofpath /dev/sda)0"
> the ending 0 is important and not a typo.  
> it will now boot with quik.  


With debian2.2r3 kerenel and custom kernel.

nvsetenv boot-command "begin ['] boot catch 1000 ms cr again"
nvsetenv boot-device "$(ofpath /dev/sda)0"
#edit link instead of /etc/quik.conf
ln -f /boot/vmlinux-2.2.19 /boot/vmlinux

Changes to /etc/quik.conf:
append="console=tty0 console=ttyS0,38400n8"

Why is quik setup to point to a symlink on initial install if it doesn't
support them?

Now, to see if quik will work with MacOS installed... Future machines will
be MacOSless, but I have some machines that I depend on that have MacOS as
their linux boot loader... Including the firewall and IPsec gateway.

It would be cool to have (I still have a MacOS backup system) :( MacOS on
the system with BootX, and in the linux init scripts, rerun the lines above.
To get to MacOS, just reset boot-device, and up comes MacOS.  BootX back to
linux, and you have a seemingly MacOSless system, quik restarts and

That's what I want to get.  I'll put in the testing... 


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/proc$ cat cpuinfo 
processor       : 0
cpu             : 601
clock           : 120MHz
revision        : 0.2
bogomips        : 119.69
zero pages      : total 0 (0Kb) current: 0 (0Kb) hits: 0/214 (0%)
machine         : Power Macintosh
motherboard     : AAPL,7300 MacRISC
memory          : 32MB
pmac-generation : OldWorld

drive-serve:/proc# nvsetenv 
little-endian?  false
real-mode?      false
auto-boot?      true
diag-switch?    false
fcode-debug?    false
oem-banner?     false
oem-logo?       false
use-nvramrc?    true
real-base       0x1f00000
real-size       0x100000
virt-base       0xffffffff
virt-size       0x100000
load-base       0x4000
pci-probe-list  0xffffffff
screen-#columns 0x64
screen-#rows    0x28
selftest-#megs  0x0
boot-device     /bandit/gc/53c94/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0
diag-device     fd:diags
input-device    ttya
output-device   ttya
[snip, editor will kill output]
boot-command    begin ['] boot catch 1000 ms cr again

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