On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 07:20:04PM -0700, Mike Fedyk wrote:
> On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 06:43:01PM -0700, Mike Fedyk wrote:
> > MacOS was installed on the first possible partition (mostly /dev/sda5) with
> > linux on sda >= 6.
> > 
> > I'm going to initially try quik with a MacOS clean setup, but I'm wondering
> > about these machines I've already setup.
> > 
> > Since OF looks through the partitions for a bootable one, will it skip the
> > HFS partition and continue looking to find the Linux partition?

i am not sure on this, i don't know if MacOS sets the partition
bootable in such a way that OF will notice or not.  

my friends quik setup is 100% macos free, no drivers, no HFS.

> If this setup could work, people could install MacOS just for when the NVRAM
> is wiped.  

no need, use the debian miboot boot floppy to recover from that.  

> Otherwise, you could have a portable external drive that has
> MacOS on it and use that to boot and start linux.  The boot floppies are
> pretty limited...  I hate the way auto-complete doesn't work on them...

they are limited but are good enough to run nvsetenv.  if you want
complettion either build a miboot boot floppy that roots to your real
root partition or just mount your root filesystem on /target and
chroot /target /bin/bash (you probably need to mount /proc too)

Ethan Benson

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