.... BenH has been talking about throwing away quik's second
stage code and making yaboot compatible with Oldworld OF and quik's
first stage. this way there would effectivly be only one codebase for
both oldworld and newworld bootloaders. only the installer and first
stage loader would be different.
for oldworld quik's first stage powerpc asm bootblock would be used,
and its bootblock installer /sbin/quik would be used to save a
blocklist of the elfextracted yaboot.b.
on newworld you would of course use ybin and its Forth first stage
loader installed onto a dedicated bootstrap partition.
again i reiterate porting yaboot to oldworld will not make oldworld
magically as easy to OF boot as a newworld. Oldworld OF is pure crap
and any peice of software is going to have a helluva time functioning
correctly on it. some of those machines can't even read from the hard
disk which you have to fix before the bootloader even enters into it
(since OF must read the disk to load the bootloader).
BenH myself and a few others are interested in getting OF booting
cleaned up more because simply put, BootX/miboot are kludges. period,
macos based booting is fundementally flawed and it would be good for
all concerned if that would just go away.
...we need to get him a NuBus/PDS video card which works with current
or an Apple HDI-45 video adapter cable.
My offer of (an Apple HDI-45 video adapter cable) or (MicroConversions
2124NBII 24-bit NuBus Card, AppleDB15 female) still stands.
We desperately need to condense the 50+ ways to boot your DebianPowerMac.
The current hodgepodge of incomplete and anectdotal reports on the mailing
list is
too disjointed to allow someone to author a comprehensive HOWTO.
It is currently impossible to create one
without a firm understanding of each unique instance,
and its current status against the various Debian releases.
The pool of potential authors is therefore very, very small.
It would be a shame to let someone waste their time pondering & composing
all the possible
vagarities of a "kludge" or two when the actual goal is in a different