> I had the same problem.  If I remember right, the keyboard configuration
> script loads the keymap from /usr/share/keymaps, then regenerates it
> in /etc/console-tools.  The problem is that it is regenerated wrong: the
> setting for the q key is not written.  Note the suspicious fact that q has
> keycode 0.  This is clearly a bug in one of the console tools, one that

keycode 0 is illegal on x86 (you'll find a long flame war on this topic in
the l-k archives). You could change the kernel to remap keycode 0 to some
spare keycode, and adjust the keymap to match. Or you could continue the
'keycode 0 is a valid keycode on some architectures so please fix
console-tools' argument.
Seeing how common sense (WRT to making incompatible changes and all) often
loses, I'd go for the first option.


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