> Sometimes, my q key gives me a 'a'. 'a' key still gives 'a' too.
> So I have no more 'q'. The other keys seem to work fine.
> If I do a dpkg-reconfigure console-tools, things come in order again (a
> chance there is no q in it !)
> I couldn't find when this happen, it just happens sometimes...
> Any idea ?

I had the same problem.  If I remember right, the keyboard configuration
script loads the keymap from /usr/share/keymaps, then regenerates it
in /etc/console-tools.  The problem is that it is regenerated wrong: the
setting for the q key is not written.  Note the suspicious fact that q has
keycode 0.  This is clearly a bug in one of the console tools, one that
I was too lazy to chase in the source code.  A quick fix is to edit
/etc/console-tools/default.kmap.gz by hand, putting in the setting for
the q key (or you can just copy across the file from /usr/share/keymaps).
By the way, all this is from memory because I don't have access to the
machine it happened on right now.

I hope this helps,

Duncan Sands.

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