On 22 Apr 2001, Tovar wrote:

>     Ah - maybe you accessed through AppleShare, and TCP/IP didn't
>     work? It seems that DHCP is not reliable when used from both
>     Linux and Mac - try adding your IP manually in either system.
> Correct.  It's already manually configured and works with the i386 box
> doing IP masquerading.  Is it supposed to get the same IP address as
> its host LINUX system or does it want its own???

MacOS needs its own separate address. Alternately you can set up linux to
proxy for mol via an ethertap device.

> It works great on the local X server, an amazing hack!  It just
> doesn't work remotely, probably because of the bitmap mapping magic to
> achieve X Windows compatability.  I'm not complaining it not working,
> i would just like to have shown the folks at work a Mac screen over a
> dialup connection under X Windows, especially given how annoying 'PC
> Anywhere' is to me.

There are options in the molrc file for remote X display -- notably the
"use_backing_store" option.  Have you tried these?  (I haven't tried it
myself, just wondering if they work.)

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