On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 08:35:53PM -0300, Peter Cordes wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 04:56:46AM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
> >  (though vmware has an interesting
> > system where the disk image is no larger then the ammount of data it
> > holds, it grows as you add data, until you hit the preconfigured
> > limit).  
>  Can't you achieve the same result fairly easily with sparse files?  Just
> create it by seeking to the end (the size you want it), and write one byte.
> Linux won't allocate disk blocks for regions of the disk that have never
> been written to.  Uninitialized regions read() as full of zeros.

actually this had occured to me, i just never have gotten around to
trying it.  

>  I guess this wouldn't free up sectors that were no longer in use, so the
> amount used would creep up and wouldn't go down when you deleted stuff from
> the filesystem on the disk, even though it was not logically in use anymore.

true, though i am not sure if vmware handles that case either.  

>  To have a central macos image, you just need to mmap( ..., MAP_PRIVATE, ),
> so your changes are made copy-on-write.  (You might want to do this within
> the program instead of leaving it to the kernel, so you could write changes
> to disk instead of leaving them in memory.  I don't know how well Linux's VM
> would handle the situation, but if you had lots of swap space things should
> work :)

this part is beyond me it should be possible somehow but i wouldn't
know how.  

Ethan Benson

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