On  18 Apr, this message from Ethan Benson echoed through cyberspace:
> i was going to look at this again to see what i could come up with.
> one really tricky problem is it seems you often MUST recompile the mol
> modules against the exact kernel source of the running kernel.
> otherwise they don't work.  
> on my system when i upgraded to 2.2.19 and force load the 2.2.18 mol
> modules mol bitches that the kernel patches don't match mol or
> somesuch rubbish.  i think this happened from 2.2.17 -> 2.2.18 as
> well.  

IIRC, MOL has to patch the running kernel under under 2.2 kernels (not
under 2.4 kernels anymore). SO it does need to know the kernel it is


Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
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