On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 04:06:29PM -0500, Vinai wrote:

> I have done in the past (on pretty much all of my installations) is to
> first partition the HD with Apple's utility (because I usually want to
> have MacOS around), and leave space for Linux at the end of the drive.
> Then from within the linux install, I delete that HFS partition and
> divide it up as I want to ...  This might mean a re-install, but I am
> not certain.

if you want macos, then you do need to first partition with the macos
partitioner but you must create the placeholder partition for linux
at the BEGINNING of the disk *NOT* the end.

otherwise you can't put the bootstrap partition first and i get
craploads of mail about how to fiddle with OF.  always always put the
bootstrap partition BEFORE any macos partitions, 



Ethan Benson

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