On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

} Ok, here's what I've done:
} I rebooted from the binary-1 CD and got into fdisk. I deleted
} everything I could delete, so basicly just the partitions I had
} created during earlier tries to install Linux. I wasn't able to
} delete the driver partitions or the map itself.

If you want MacOS on your machine, you should definitely NOT delete the
driver partitions or the partition map, as these are how MacOS "knows"
about your HD.


} After having installed other standard packages, I had a look at the
} hfsutils and figured that I could use those to format the two hfs
} partitions. But although I labeled them and read the man pages again
} and again, the MacOS installation system that I booted off the CD
} doesn't recognize them as volumes (the hfsutils do though). If I start
} the MacOS hard drive utility that does the "initialization" it lists
} the CD drive and the ATA hard drive, saying that the hard drive is
} "unrecognized" or "uninitialized" or something (dunno what the
} original word was - my MacOS is German). The problem is: I don't dare
} press that "Initialize" button because I once did that and it wiped
} the complete hard drive.  How can I get MacOS on this volume?

If you deleted any of Apple's driver or patches partition, it might
explain why the disk is not being recognized by Apple's utilities. What
I have done in the past (on pretty much all of my installations) is to
first partition the HD with Apple's utility (because I usually want to
have MacOS around), and leave space for Linux at the end of the drive.
Then from within the linux install, I delete that HFS partition and
divide it up as I want to ...  This might mean a re-install, but I am
not certain.


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